SW San Antonio
Location Coming Soon
Phone: (210) 660-2038
Medical Center
NW San Antonio
9003 Huebner Rd.,San Antonio,TX 78240
Phone: (210) 468-1450Hours are:
8 am – 6 pm Monday- Friday
8 am – 1 pm Saturday
8 am – 6 pm Monday- Friday
8 am – 1 pm Saturday
Ask an Expert
A Plus Transmission Specialists stands ready to answer any questions you might have in addressing the service or repair of your transmission and driveline. Many vehicle drivability problems that seem like major issues can often be very simple and inexpensive to repair. In fact, fewer than 30% of the vehicles that visit our centers require a major repair service.
If you have a question or concern with your vehicle, simply fill out the form to the right, and A Plus Transmission Specialists expert will promptly answer your question via email!
Hours are: 8-6 Monday – Friday | 8-1 Saturday